Monday, November 1, 2010

Importance of Proteins:

In the animal kingdom, peptides and proteins regulate metabolism and provide structural support. The cells and the organs of our body are controlled by peptide hormones. Insufficient protein in the diet may prevent the body from producing adequate levels of peptide hormones and structural proteins to sustain normal bodily functions. Individual amino acids serve as neurotransmitters and modulators of various physiological processes, while proteins catalyze most chemical reactions in the body, regulate gene expression, regulate the immune system, form the major constituents of muscle, and are the main structural elements of cells. Deficiency of good quality protein in the diet may contribute to seemingly unrelated symptoms such as sexual dysfunction, blood pressure problems, fatigue, obesity, diabetes, frequent infections, digestive problems, and bone mass loss leading to osteoporosis. Severe restriction of dietary protein causes kwashiorkor which is a form of malnutrition characterized by loss of muscle mass, growth failure, and decreased immunity.
Allergies are generally caused by the effect of foreign proteins on our body. Proteins that are ingested are broken down into smaller peptides and amino acids by digestive enzymes called "proteases". Allergies to foods may be caused by the inability of the body to digest specific proteins. Cooking denatures (inactivates) dietary proteins and facilitates their digestion. Allergies or poisoning may also be caused by exposure to proteins that bypass the digestive system by inhalation, absorption through mucous tissues, or injection by bites or stings. Spider and snake venoms contain proteins that have a variety of neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic effects.
Many structures of the body are formed from protein. Hair and nails are made of keratins which are long protein chains containing a high percentage (15%-17%) of the amino acid cysteine. Keratins are also components of animal claws, horns, feathers, scales, and hooves. Collagen is the most common protein in the body and comprises approximately 20-30% of all body proteins. It is found in tendons, ligaments, and many tissues that serve structural or mechanical functions. Collagen consists of amino acid sequences that coil into a triple helical structure to form very strong fibers. Glycine and proline account for about 50% of the amino acids in collagen. Gelatin is produced by boiling collagen for a long time until it becomes water soluble and gummy. Tooth enamel and bones consist of a protein matrix (mostly collagen) with dispersed crystals of minerals such as apatite, which is a phosphate of calcium. By weight, bone tissue is 70% mineral, 8% water and 22% protein. Muscle tissue consists of approximately 65% actin and myosin, which are the contractile proteins that enable muscle movement. Casein is a nutritive phosphorus-containing protein present in milk. It makes up approximately 80% of the protein in milk and contains all the common amino acids.
Peptide hormones are produced by the endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, pineal, adrenal, pancreas) or by various organs such as the kidney, stomach, intestine, placenta, or liver. Peptide hormones can have complex, convoluted structures with hundreds of amino acids. The following graphics illustrate the chemical structure of human insulin and its three-dimensional shape. Insulin is made of two amino acid sequences. The A-Chain has 21-amino acids, and the B-Chain has 30-amino acids. The chains are linked together through the sulfur atoms of cysteine (Cys). Peptide hormones are generally different for every species, but they may have similarities. Human insulin is identical to pig insulin, except that the last amino acid of the B-Chain for the pig is alanine (Ala) instead of threonine (Thr).
What holds a protein into its tertiary structure?
The tertiary structure of a protein is held together by interactions between the the side chains - the "R" groups. There are several ways this can happen.
Ionic interactions
Some amino acids (such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid) contain an extra -COOH group. Some amino acids (such as lysine) contain an extra -NH2 group.
You can get a transfer of a hydrogen ion from the -COOH to the -NH2 group to form zwitterions just as in simple amino acids.
You could obviously get an ionic bond between the negative and the positive group if the chains folded in such a way that they were close to each other.
Figure 1
Hydrogen bonds
Notice that we are now talking about hydrogen bonds between side groups - not between groups actually in the backbone of the chain.
Lots of amino acids contain groups in the side chains which have a hydrogen atom attached to either an oxygen or a nitrogen atom. This is a classic situation where hydrogen bonding can occur.
For example, the amino acid serine contains an -OH group in the side chain. You could have a hydrogen bond set up between two serine residues in different parts of a folded chain.
You could easily imagine similar hydrogen bonding involving -OH groups, or -COOH groups, or -CONH2 groups, or -NH2 groups in various combinations - although you would have to be careful to remember that a -COOH group and an -NH2 group would form a zwitterion and produce stronger ionic bonding instead of hydrogen bonds.
van der Waals dispersion forces
Several amino acids have quite large hydrocarbon groups in their side chains. A few examples are shown below. Temporary fluctuating dipoles in one of these groups could induce opposite dipoles in another group on a nearby folded chain.
The dispersion forces set up would be enough to hold the folded structure together.
Important: If you aren't happy about van der Waals dispersion forces you should follow this link.
Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.

Sulphur bridges
Sulphur bridges which form between two cysteine residues have already been discussed under primary structures. Wherever you choose to place them doesn't affect how they are form

Classification of proteins:

1. a) primary structure - unique linear sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain
* genetically determined
* determines all other structural levels
* directionality is from amino (N-terminus) to carboxyl (C-terminus)
b) secondary structure - develops from local interactions between amino acids
* amino acids in a peptide can interact with one another causing the peptide to fold and twist
* due to geometry of the bond angle between amino acids
* hydrogen bonding between amino and carboxyl groups in nearby regions
* repetitive structure based on common local functional group features
* structures are alpha helix and beta sheet, as well as random coils, that are hydrogen bond stabilized

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